Light Relief: Could New Technology Avert the Need for Conservation?

The Art Newspaper

Piano Nobile has been featured in The Art Newspaper for February 2020. In her article, Light relief: could new technology avert the need for conservation?, Florence Hallett discussed the challenges with lighting a painting like Frank Auerbach's Building Site near St Paul's: Winter (1955). The painting has been on display in Piano Nobile's recent exhibition, Craigie Aitchison and the Beaux Arts Generation.


Alongside Dulwich Picture Gallery's new LED lighting system and the Rijksmuseum's conservation programme of The Nightwatch, Hallett described Piano Nobile's change from halogen to LED bulbs. Matthew Travers was quoted discussing the level of control offered by new LED systems. These lighting systems can be dimmed, reducing the impact on artworks, while maintaining an unprecedented evenness of colour over a painting.




January 30, 2020