
The gallery handles, acquires and advises on works by Greg Tricker. For more information or the availability of work, please contact the gallery.

Greg Tricker (b. 1951)

Greg Tricker was born in London and from an early age deeply inspired by the life and paintings of Vincent van Gogh. Now living in Gloucester, Tricker's profound and simple style of work is deeply rooted in the mystical tradition of modern British art, for which the artist has gained international recognition.


Qualities of myth and innocence of spirit, akin to the folk art tradition, feature in his work. He has produced a number of themed books and exhibitions; notably Paintings for Anne Frank (exhibited at Peterborough Cathedral and St Clement Danes, London), The Catacombs and Francis of Assisi (exhibited at Salisbury Cathedral and Piano Nobile Gallery, London), The Life of Kaspar Hauser and Bernadette of Lourdes (2006 and 2008, both exhibited at Piano Nobile Gallery, London).


Greg Tricker's most recent cycles of work, The Christ Journey, where shown at Westminster Cathedral having toured to Gloucester Cathedral in 2011 as part of a major retrospective exhibition to celebrate the artists 60th year and continued to Piano Nobile Gallery. 


Tricker spent a year working on a monumental series based on the life and experiences of Jeanne d' Arc.  A major exhibiton was held at Rheims Cathedral in April - June 2013.


Greg Tricker's 2015 exhibtion at Piano Nobile was a cycle dedicated to the life of the Gaelic St. Bride and her journeying around the Scottish isle of Iona. 



