Edouard Vuillard


The gallery regularly handles, acquires and advises on works by Edouard Vuillard. For more information or the availability of work, please contact the gallery.

Edouard Vuillard (1868 - 1940)

French painter, draughtsman, designer, and lithographer. In the 1890s he was a member of the Nabis and at this time painted intimate interiors and scenes from Montmartre, his sensitive patterning of flattish colours owing something to Gauguin and something to Puvis de Chavannes, but creating a distinctive manner of his own. He also designed posters and theatrical sets. From about 1900 he turned to a more naturalistic style and with Bonnard became the main practitioner of Intimisme, making use of the camera to capture fleeting, informal groupings of his friends and relatives in their homes and gardens. He had several close female friends and preferred painting women and children to men.


His work also included landscapes and portraits. Although he was financially successful, he lived modestly, sharing an apartment with his widowed mother until her death in 1928; she often features in his paintings. He was reserved and quiet in personality, although affectionate and much liked. For many years he kept a detailed journal in which he revealed his thoughtful attitude towards art and life.


Text Source: The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists

